Corporate Governance

Governance Framework

Constance Hotels Services Ltd (CHSL) is a Public Interest Entity as defined by the Financial Reporting Act 2004. The Board is ultimately responsible and accountable for leading and controlling the Company, in accordance with the terms of reference outlined in the Board Charter, and meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. The Board acts in the best interests of the Company and its business, whilst taking into consideration the interests of the Company’s Shareholders and other Stakeholders.

Constance Hotels Services Limited is engaged in adhering to the National Code of Corporate Governance for Mauritius (2016) issued by the National Committee on Corporate Governance and in upholding standards of corporate governance through company-wide awareness of its business ethics and the stewardship and supervision of its Management by the Board of Directors (“Board”) and Committees of the Board.

Constitution CHSL
Organisational Chart


Board and Board Committees

The Company is managed by a unitary Board. At year-end, the Board consisted of two Independent, six Non-Executive, and two Executive Directors, including three female Directors. The Chairman is a Non-Executive Director.
The Board structure consists of the Board of Directors, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the Corporate Governance Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and the Company Secretary, underpinned by related Charters, Policies, and Codes.

Board of Directors Charter

Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter

Corporate Governance Committee Charter

Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter

Nomination and Appointment Process


Company Secretariat

The function of the Company Secretary is entrusted to ECS Secretaries Ltd, represented by Mrs Marie-Anne Adam and Mr Yan Béchard. Both are associate members of the Chartered Governance Institute  (previously named Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators).  As such they qualify to act as Company Secretary in accordance with qualifications required by the Companies Act 2001.


Key Senior Governance Executives

  • Jean Jacques Vallet

  • Andrew Milton

  • Siegfried Espitalier Noël

  • Kevin Chan Too

  • Julien Coette

  • Vincent de Marasse Enouf

  • Shashi Kumar Koonja

Statement of Major Accountabilities

Position Statements of Key Senior Governance Positions


Codes & Policies

The organisation’s Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Code of Ethics and Conduct for Directors

The Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

The IT Information Security Policy

The IT Code of Practice

All charters, codes and policies are approved by the Board on the recommendation of its relevant Committee and are applied throughout the Group. These documents are subject to review every three years, unless otherwise required.

Corporate Governance Report